Drought Monitor

Check here to find out all the latest information on Drought in the Gonzales County UWCD community. 

The U.S. Drought Monitor is a map released every Thursday, showing parts of the U.S. that are in a drought. The map uses five classifications: abnormally dry (D0), showing areas that may be going into or are coming out of a drought, and four levels of drought:

moderate (D1)

severe (D2)

extreme (D3) 

exceptional (D4)

 Drought Monitor Map 

You will need to set the drop-down menus for Current Date, Area Type (State) and Area (Texas) to get the most current map.

Drought Information

Weather patterns and demand for water supplies vary dramatically across the state. When dry conditions are prolonged, it can put a strain on all uses. Here is information to help you make better decisions about water use, including surface and groundwater regulations, and emergency procedures.

TCEQ Drought Information 

Water Data for Texas

The Drought Monitor interactive map and chart below enable the visualization of current and historical drought conditions for Texas, selected counties, or HUC 8 watersheds. Provided by the Texas Water Development Board is available here 

Water Data for Texas